Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Updated Holiday HPM

ETA 4/2/10 : With the drastic revamp of 3.3.3 the old data is wildly outdated (except as relative values one to the other)! I have started a new chart, but kept the old one below it as a relic of bygone days :-)

The new, 3.3.3 Values:
Holiday BattlegroundWinning HPMLosing HPMOverall HPMOverall Percentages
Alterac Valley530.83123.2357.37100%
Arathi Basin241.3987.86171.2848%
Eye of the Storm283.92126.32204.7657%
Strand of the Ancients262.84106.55170.7648%
Warsong Gulch205.6592.41138.8439%

The old, 3.3.2 Values:
Holiday BattlegroundWinning HPMLosing HPMOverall HPMOverall Percentages
Alterac Valley110.7863.94120.37100%
Arathi Basin60.543.6481.6768%
Eye of the Storm78.2233.6888.5673%
Strand of the Ancients86.8639.8497.5979%
Isle of Conquest63.3743.9986.4472%
Warsong Gulch54.928.8763.8351%

Last Edited : 7/20/2010

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